Trainer gym time again. FITFU last night. I played okay at FITFU, especially given the competition. I put up a couple assists. I'll find out how I did whenever they send out the recap email (probably around Wednesday). Today, it was a similar circuit to what i did last time. Exercises include
six inch step up/jump
DB snatch (30#, felt alright. Getting the hang of it. My left arm is MUCH weaker than my right, i'm finding)
A hamstring exercise where you put your knees on a balance ball and lock your heels under a bench, then lean as far forward as you can. EXTREMELY hard, especially on the tendons. I'll admit I worry about fucking up my knee with this one.
1-arm rows (60# now that I'm only doing 5 reps on most exercises)
Clap pushups. These are hard on my wrists, but I've got the explosive power to actually get the clap well, so it's a start.
Ab rollers- where you have one of the small wheels with a handle and you get on all fours and roll out on the wheel, then roll back. Like this (the background noise is totally ignorable).
After the workout, I did some agility work. I particularly enjoyed doing a 10 yard sprint to the ladder, then doing quick feet in the boxes. It felt like it was really working a good ultimate skill (stopping to follow an in-cut).
Doin' Work,
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