Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wrote up some goals.  I've slacked on explicit goal setting because I've been letting Ken take the lead and I've been chilling in the passenger seat.  Time to fix it.  By Valentine's Day (1 month from now), my goals are to:

  1. Run a 6 minute mile at 1% after a workout (not just hop on the treadmill; have at least one major muscle group tired)
  2. Overhead Squat 65 pounds
  3. Finish the Crucible in <10 minutes
  4. Power clean .5 bw (80 lbs)
  5. At least 4x/week- 45 pushups, 60 crunches, 18 glute activators (Do them BEFORE hopping online)
These should all be entirely completable, given some work ethic. We're three months and change from the start of Tryouts. I want to make some goddamn noise this time around.

Ken's promised me the Crucible again today. I want to do well but after yesterday's shoveling and the calf workout I'm still feeling, I'm afraid I'll be sore or tired. All I can say, I guess, is that it's heavy on the quads, thighs and glutes and none of those are sore. As long as I don't have to use my delts to do a squat (and if I do something is seriously wrong...), I better be able to pull this off.

Doin' Work

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