Worked myself a good leg day yesterday. I think it likely that, no matter my mood, legs will always get my spirits up. I got in squats, deadlifts and powered through some relatively lighter quad/hammy work and it made me pretty happy. I was all the more happy for seeing some improvement in my strength; the weekend (mostly) off was good for my recovery. I'm scheduled to head back in tonight and I'm looking much better on the motivation front. I've had my moment of down and now it's time to get back on the horse. I'm glad things, so far, have worked out as they have. I talked with toad about how meta I am, including how I get discouraged by _getting_ discouraged (the feeling of "the guys who make it aren't feeling like this") and he pointed out how stupid it was. I guess I knew, but it always help to have somebody you respect tell you such things.
I've been...moderate about hitting the treadmill when I should. I could be better. I'm not hitting exhaustion like I should be, at least not often. I've run a few "see how far I can take 10 mph" and the results aren't encouraging (.75 and .5 miles). Knowing Jesse ran mile repeats in 6 min. approx is...strange. I'm still confident I'm faster than him, not to mention smarter, but maybe that's just a conceit. One way to get better, though. Ken's suggested doing heavy uphill work, which isn't a bad idea at all. I hit 12.5% uphill with around 6mph, maybe tonight I'll work towards 8 mph. It was only half a mile, with the mile completed with a 10 mph on flat ground (1% grade, since 0% feels like running downhill).
Seeing Bunn this weekend was scary. To think I might have to compete against him someday is not a nice thought. Kid's in fantastic shape and looking to have all the time and money in the world. He's gonna be making Vijay Money.
Gotta go buy some new protein. Nom...nom?
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