Sunday, December 5, 2010

Not much to say.  5-0, Div 2 Champions, winning every game we had.  Couldn't jump to Div 1 so we won as best we could.

I'm feeling great about these wins, especially since I played a real part in all of them.  I felt strong and fast the entire time and I covered whoever got thrown at me.  I shut down a good number of cuts and I got open almost all the time.  One guy did completely shut me down for a while in one of the games, but it got dealt with.  I also had a number of points where I just did nothing.  Motivation completely failed me.  I'm...okay with it though.  Not sure i should be.  I don't know if it's related to the weather or the fact that I felt like we were winning and trusted my team to get it done or what, but I just didn't feel as bad about completely not contributing as I should have.  There were multiple points where I would stand at or near the front of the stack and just stare at my handler.  Sometimes they'd clearly motion for me to cut to the break lane, and I'd do it, but usually I just followed the play most of the way down the field.  It was pretty lazy now I think about it.  Oh well.  Like I said, 5-0.  Jobs got done.  Work got done. 

I...really don't remember how many D's I got.  I just know I got a number of monster point blocks.  Once on Gary somehow in front of his body.  Once a full hand across a backhand huck- I can still see some marks from where i took the hit.  Anytime a disc stays flying for like, five more seconds AFTER the point block, you know it's done some serious damage.  It was three points or so of my hand down my pants after that just to get feeling back.  Surprisingly, I don't have a bruise on the tip of the finger.  I thought I would.

Anyway, I played well today.  I'm really happy.  I don't know what it means, given two games were against high schoolers and one game was 123 Frisbee, but we won them all and I scored a lot of fantasy today.  I don't really know how many turns I'm responsible for either, but not a huge number.

Oh, also my pulls were commented on repeatedly.  I don't know where it came from, but I was semi-routinely dropping them in the mid-endzone depth.  I was really surprised but I was definitely gonna take it.  I also put up a few nice deep shots.  A few not-so-nice deep shots too, though.  I had a few I was really happy with.  One in particular, where Toad got block on the dump as I marked, I called him off as he went for the disc and then I bombed it to him perfectly.  That one felt really good.

Man, I was so psyched to win and do it with a bunch of my good/best friends.  Becca was in town, Katie cleated up (and played like a beast out of the gate, getting a point block on her first mark), Toad as well.  It was a fantastic time when I wasn't noticing how incredibly cold my hands were.  Keeping a handwarmer in my pocket was an excellent idea.  Gonna hold onto that one.

I'm happy.  I did work.  Let's keep ballin'.

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