Monday, February 28, 2011

Gym time again.

Wide Lat pull down: 5x85, 100, 120, 120, 120
High Row:10x50, 55, 65, 70, 70, 70
Low Row: 10x45, 50, 60, 60, 60 (?)
DB Chest Fly: 10x15, 15, 20 (felt these too much in the shoulder, too little in the pec, hopefully that's a supporting muscle issue, not weakness in the main muscle group)
Tricep Pulldown: 10x30, 35, 42.5 (good hard weight at the end)

No run.  I had just eaten a pretty huge lunch and breakfast WAY too recently.

Doin' Work,

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Good workout today.

4 chin ups (hands perpendicular the the body, not parallel yet)
Hack Squat 10x140, 160, 180#(?)
2 more sets of 4 chin ups (the chin ups were broken because some guy jumped on the equipment and I just let him have it while I was hack squatting).
Front Squat: 5x90, 140, 140, 140, 140# Got a much better handle on how to hold my arms as I went through this.  Front squatting should be good for my olympic lifts.
Inverse Row: 3x10.  Feeling much better with my upper body strength now.  Not sure why.  Hopefully I've started to understand how the muscles around my scapulae fire correctly.
DL: 3x95, 115, 135, 155, 165.  The higher weights were totally liftable, but my form suffered.  I'll take that as a good sign, I guess.  Also, between DLing a BW and doing chin ups, I'm happy with what I did today.
Ab Rollers: 5x3.  My abs weren't holding their own in this.  Definitely let too much happen in my lower back which _has_ to be bad for me.

Doing work,

Saturday, February 26, 2011

At this point, I think I'm willing to say Eli is systematically undertraining me.  I can and should be doing more during training sessions.  Had one this morning, I'm antsy regardless.  I'm hoping to go to the gym with mom tomorrow, in which case I'll give myself a good hard workout.  At least, that's the plan.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Good winter league.  Played a team we deserved to crush and we went and crushed them.  Felt good.  I played decently well, until the last twenty minutes or so, when all my deep shots went to shit.  my short range stuff and my defense were still good.

Got some really good advice about my deep cutting, put it into practice and immediately started getting the looks i wanted.  Really liked that.  Overall, I'll give tonight a B/B+

Doin' Work Now,
Training.  Felt good for it.  Worked.  Didn't overwork.  No snatches.  That made me a little upset, but hey.  Winter League Tonight.  That part I'm excited for.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Good rest day.  Slept a bunch, didn't work out.  I'll probably do a set of pushups before bed, but that's it.

Doin' Work...just not today,

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I realized that my gym days somewhat take the form of a day of pushes (yesterday) and a day of pulls (today).  With one exception, today was entirely pulls.

Good warmup
Wide Lat Pulldown: 5x100, 120, 2x2 chin ups
High Row: 10x80 (tweaked my shoulder here and weights dropped significantly), 50, 40
Low Row: 10x40, 50, 55
Machine Row: 10x 70, 80, 105 (accidental jump on the last weight, i was sharing with some random guy and didn't check my weight)
Tricep dips: 3x5 (The only real push)
Tricep pulldown: 10x35, 37.5, ~7(?)x40
Run .5mi at 10 mph, 1.5%.  Rest.  600m at 10mph, 1.5%.  Was meant to be half mile repeats but I couldn't push through.  Pulled out after 600m.

Just a workout.  Sorta whatever.  I'll take it.  Just doing work.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Stolen From the Tufts EMen

This track workout looks _fantastic_.  I want to do it.

    Run:Warm up 
     2 x 100 (17 sec) 60 second rest, 3 minute rest afteward 
    Tabata run - 20 second sprint as fast as you can, 10 second slow. 8 times (4 minutes total). Make sure you run as fast as possible, otherwise it's not working. Have someone time that 20 seconds so that you don't miss it. The goal is to get your heart rate up and going fast, and then get it down fast too. 
     2 x 100 (17 sec) 60 second rest, 3 minute rest afterward.
A little workout to do some work.  Nothing on a machine, just free weights.

Hack squat to warm up, 1 set, 90#
Squat 5x135, 165, 185, 185, 185
Deadlift 10x95, 125, 125
Bench Press 10x85, 95, 95
DB Seated Shoulder press 10x15, 10x20, 6x25
Core: 3x[5x ab roller, 10x oblique raise each side]

No run, no agility.  Felt good after this, really tore up abs when I rolled out the first ab rep.  The weights were good when I topped out.  I can probably go higher on Bench Press but not without a spot.  I enjoyed trying out the 5x5 squat sequence.  I walked in planning to hit 185 and I did, so I'm happy about that.  I should be able to hit 200 pounds if I can work out a few kinks in my form.

Doin' Work,

Sunday, February 20, 2011

100 Burpee repeat- 10:16

Obviously adding about a minute to my time wasn't the plan.  I'm not _too_ upset, since a) I haven't really eaten all day and b) I'm just getting over a cold.  I'll take it.  Not pleased about it.  But I'll take it.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Trainer gym time again.  FITFU last night.  I played okay at FITFU, especially given the competition.  I put up a couple assists.  I'll find out how I did whenever they send out the recap email (probably around Wednesday).  Today, it was a similar circuit to what i did last time.  Exercises include
six inch step up/jump
DB snatch (30#, felt alright.  Getting the hang of it.  My left arm is MUCH weaker than my right, i'm finding)
A hamstring exercise where you put your knees on a balance ball and lock your heels under a bench, then lean as far forward as you can.  EXTREMELY hard, especially on the tendons.  I'll admit I worry about fucking up my knee with this one.
1-arm rows (60# now that I'm only doing 5 reps on most exercises)
Clap pushups.  These are hard on my wrists, but I've got the explosive power to actually get the clap well, so it's a start.
Ab rollers- where you have one of the small wheels with a handle and you get on all fours and roll out on the wheel, then roll back.  Like this (the background noise is totally ignorable).

After the workout, I did some agility work.  I particularly enjoyed doing a 10 yard sprint to the ladder, then doing quick feet in the boxes.  It felt like it was really working a good ultimate skill (stopping to follow an in-cut).

Doin' Work,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Workout with a new trainer.  Much more full body circuit work.  Did a bunch of plyos, did some snatches (barbell, for the first time), did some full ab work with the rolling handle thing.  Interesting.  I'll be going back Saturday to see how it goes.

Month-from-now goals:
1) perfect the snatch
2) perfect the clean and jerk OR the power clean
3) Squat 200 Pounds

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Winter league against the Toads.  Felt pretty good for the first twenty minutes, played strong D.  After that, things started going downhill as my lungs went.  I definitely started letting up cuts I shouldn't have, especially underneath and especially on guys I am in _WAY_ better shape than.

I matched up on Toad once and, while he ran me around, I never got myself crazy burned and I took him to a full stall on the mark.

There were a few plays that will stick in my mind, both positive and negative.  Sweet grabs and not so sweet drops.  Poor coverage (including one REALLY stupid poach into the lane on Katie Shafer who proceeded to break her mark and hit my guy for like twenty yards) and fantastic shut-down D.  Overall, I could be happier, but I'm happy enough.

Doin' Work

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Welp. Ken got fired...somehow.

I'm scheduled to spend some time with his replacement.  Today, it was Chest and Triceps

Plate Press: 5x55,60,65
Decline Press: 3x10x50
Chest Fly 10x20,22.5,25
Tricep Dips 5,4,3
Tricep pulldown 5x30,32.5,35,37.5,42.5
Suicides- 3xForward, 3xbackward, 3xbrenenborg.  Rest between reps was a walkback, rest between sets was full (however long it took to get my heart rate down.  usually 3-5 minutes).  Felt strong off the blocks but quickly decreased.  I blame the cold.  Hope I can get over it by tomorrow, when we're playing Toad's team in winter league.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Wide Lat Pulldown felt okay something like 100,105,110#
Low Row 45,50,55# felt fine
High Row 45, 55, 60(?)# felt good
On both these rows, I pulled smoothly for like 90% of the lift, the last 10% were not great
Hammer Curl 20#
Machine Row 70,80,90#

Went home.  Of my month goals, I hit the OH Squat and the 6 minute mile (both more than once), missed terribly the power clean and nightly work goals.  I'll come up with new ones soon.

Did some work,

Friday, February 11, 2011

Back to work.

Smith Squat 3x10x105 to warm up
Overhead DB Squat 2x~10x20 Very difficult.  I can see why Mackey writes that OH Squats are great for displaying lack of flexibility.  I really felt my back getting tight.  Easier with the bar than the DB.
Power Clean and Jerk 3x10x65 Felt my form improved from previous try.  This weight is an increase.  I'm seeing things suggesting I should be working strength even through February.  I am skeptical, as tryouts have different timetables than returning members.
1-Leg Quad Extend 50, 55, 60.  Whatever.  Can go higher.  I'm in the process of looking to replace my notebook.  When I do, I'll track weights again and focus on increasing them.
Attempt at a 1RM on Seated Hamstring Curl.  I made it to 120 pounds before I got bored.
1-Leg Calf Raise 5,switchx2/leg 75#.  Just a warmup.  I left feeling fine, walking tall.  Not my best, but I was pleased I got my Olympic work in and now I'm moving on to FITFU tonight.  We'll see how that goes.  I'm absolutely not going back next year, but for this year, it'll do.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I've lifted twice here in Pittsburgh with Corey.  Once working shoulders (shoulder pressx5, push pressx5, shoulder jerkx5) and I ran about 25 pounds behind Corey each time.  Not surprising, perhaps, but a little depressing.  I have no idea where I would have trailed him a year ago, and logic tells me it should have been more than 25 pounds, but really I just ended up feeling inadequate.  Time in Pittsburgh has followed the "I know I won't eat well so I won't try to make major strides" principle.  Hopefully, when I return to Boston, I'll get back on the protein wagon and I'll go back to doing work.

P.S. the second workout with Corey was a crossfit: 5 shoulder press 15#/hand, 10 captain's chair leglift, 15 clean 25#: AMRAP 20 minutes.  I got 8+6 clean.  It was intended to be hspu, knees to shoulders, clean but i can't HSPU and I am trying to save my shoulders trouble here by not trying to do the knees to elbows that would have been my maximum output.  I got a weird feeling in my legs where they ended up pretty twitchy, but that was pretty much the most drama the workout gave me.  Now I'm feeling down because I leave Pittsburgh soon.  I want to go back to doing some real work in the gym.  I need to get back out there.

Getting skyed twice in a row by Alex Thorne is more than enough incentive for me.  Fuck That Noise.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Upper body day but really just a slow easy day to loosen up my lats.  Worked surprisingly well.

Worked bench press, which was a nice 95# lift.  Hard, especially on the 3rd set but that's fine.  I stretched out nicely, i did ball pushups and i finished up just generally easy.  Overall a very light day, but my lats are feeling much better.  Got winter league tomorrow.  With Team Casbah.  Boom.

Doin' Work

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Nice lower body day.  Hit up some overhead squats at 25# (too heavy) and 15# (little light).  Gonna hit 20# next time and try to work up to 25 and on up to 40# DBs (Ken believes this possible, me....less so).  As well, overhead squats with the bar, up to 65#.  This was another month goal.  I felt more than good enough to work to higher weights.

Ken threw in pistols because i'm bad at them, then we did Turkish Get Ups with the 25 pound KB.  He has the first drive be explosive through the shoulder which isn't how i'd learned them before, but hey.  Then we worked KB cleans and power cleans with the bar (95# was too heavy for explosive lifting, but 45 and 65# were totally workable).  I finished up with sprints: 2x5 flying 25s with walkback; 1 minute rest between sets.  Then 5x[backpedal 5yds, plant and run 30 yds].  Overall, the sprints felt alright, with diminishing results coming midset each time.  I've got training tomorrow and winter league saturday.  Looking forward to a really good week.

Doin' Work,

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Winter league.  For a team as talented as ours is, we managed to lose by almost 15 points.  Ridiculous.  Personally, I had a score, played good man d and layed out a bunch (though never succesfully).  Saw toad and Katie at about twenty minutes from the end.  Had a couple points I ran, had a couple points I lagged behind.  Overall, I played at least as well as Dang, I think.  For now, that'll do.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

100 Burpees 9:21
50 burpee split: 3:30

Felt great for the first 20 except I tweaked something in my right knee on literally the 3rd burpee.  Took breaks of varying lengths after 20, 33, 50, 60, 75, and 85.  This drops another 40 seconds from last year which was a 9 minute drop from the previous year (when I did them outside in the snow like an idiot).  I felt much better to start off with and faded much faster than previously.  That said, the style I did last year was to do 10 at the start of every minute.  I might be able to do it again faster if i used that type of splitting instead of what I did this time (stop when my legs/arms start failing).

I was really hoping to break 9 minutes.  I'm a little upset I couldn't.  I might do another one later.

I'm definitely starting to push more and more taxing cardio work into my workouts as the season approaches.  The thought of not having a team _again_ is too terrible...